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Desert Rocks

What A Journey Looks Like:

Congratulations!  You’ve either made your way here because you’ve booked a journey or are considering doing so. To the right is a summary of how a typical journey process will unfold while working with me.  

The Process


 - Once you have booked a journey with me, you will receive an email with a preparation/intake document to review. The document covers how best to prepare for your journey, including how to develop an intention for our work together. You will also receive a release to sign, clarifying the nature of the work and expectations.


- On the day of your journey, I will call the phone number you provided at our designated appointment time.


- From there, we will discuss your intention for your journey and why you have decided to pursue shamanic energy healing. I will ask you some (sometimes many) questions, and we will discuss what you want to work on. This is also your opportunity to ask me any questions about the process. This typically takes around 15-30 minutes. Shorter generally is better, as it helps to focus energy and concentration on your specific intention.


- Once we are clear in our discussion, we will do a very short breathing exercise together, and I will ask you to give me permission to journey on your behalf. Once this is done, I may ask you a clarifying question or two.  


- Then we hang up the phone.  At this time, I will have you sit alone quietly, either in meditation, prayer, or stillness.  Not being distracted or emotional or taking any substances during this time is essential.  I will then begin the journey by preparing myself and going into the trance state to meet up with my guides and begin the healing work through the journey.  This piece of it generally takes about an hour or so.  The actual journey, which I record as a stream of consciousness as it takes place, is typically between 15 and 40 minutes long.


- Once I have finished the journey, I will text you to let you know it is complete so that you can resume your normal daily activities.


- Within 24 hours, I will send you the recording of your journey.  This is a recording of me narrating the journey in real-time, stream-of-consciousness fashion.  It is yours to keep and refer to as many times as you would like.  Many clients find it helpful to listen again weeks or months later with new insights and confirmation of healing that has taken place over time.


- You also have the option to schedule an integration coaching call or multiple calls with me for an additional fee. These calls will allow us to discuss your questions regarding your healing journey and go over recommendations for integrating the healing that took place during the journey. Integrating your healing is crucial, so scheduling a call when you are ready is highly recommended.  

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